Speranza Banquet Hall

Speranza Banquet Hall

Speranza Banquet Hall, Brampton, Banquet Halls for Weddings, Parties, Corporate Events & More

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Based on 1 review
Speranza Banquet Hall
BEWARE OF OWNERSHIP, THEY WILL SCAM YOU. I strongly advise you to reconsider this place for any event. I had a one night event of 80 people in the garden hall(total cost $5500), and was over-charged $2500 dollars after the event (next morning) for claimed damages and cleaning fees. Management threatened that they would involve a lawyer to get this amount if not paid immediately. After an extreme yelling match a couple days later with management, they reduced this amount to $1000 (which makes it very clear that they were completely out to scam us). I would have involved police if I had proof (photos) of the venue conditions at the time we left. IF YOU DO DECIDE TO USE THIS LOCATION.. Take pictures of every single room and overall conditions of the venue BEFORE and AFTER your event (after every single person leaves). Download a free time stamping app for your phone to show time and date on all photos. Ie "Camera Auto Timestamp" for android. Show event staff in the photos when possible.
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