The key to having a stress-free wedding is… organization! This may sound like the least exciting thing in the world, but it’s true – staying organized will make your life as a bride so much easier and you will actually be able to enjoy your day. One of the most stressful things that brides have to deal with is seating charts. Again, this may not seem very exciting, but without an organized seating plan, you may find yourself running around trying to find extra seats instead of enjoying your thoughtfully picked out dinner. To avoid this, here are six ways to fool proof your seating arrangements.
1. Assign tables rather than seats: If you and your partner are having a buffet style dinner and a super relaxed day, beat your stress by nixing assigned seating and just assign your guests to a table. This allows guests to choose who they want to sit next to and takes the pressure off of you when figuring out who to put where.
2. Understand that you won’t make everyone happy: It is near impossible to seat every one of your guests without ruffling a few feathers. With that in mind, take requests into consideration but don’t over promise where you can seat people. At the end of the day, try to keep friends and family close to each other but don’t sweat it if you have to put together a table that seems kind of random.
3. Use your venue layout: If you are doing assigned seating, ask your venue for a table layout before you start the seating chart. This way, you know where each table will be in the venue and can place your guests based on this layout. This will allow you to sit your family close to one another even if they aren’t at the same table and you can make sure guests with mobility needs ahve easy access to get in and out without disruption.
Photo Courtesy of Jennifer See Studios
4. Don’t start your seating chart until you have your RSVPs: This may seem obvious, but it is worth stating. Wait until your RSVPs are in before you start seating guests. Even if you are 99% sure that someone is coming, be sure to get their RSVP so you don’t have to shuffle people around.
5. Not all your tables have to be even: Wait… what? Depending on the size of your tables, you will likely be able to seat between 8-10 guests at each table. While ten will likely be a little tight, don’t be afraid to have a table of 9 if it means allowing friends to sit together instead of with other random guests.
6. Ensure that you have an extra place setting (or two): Chat with your venue ahead of time and have them be prepared with an extra place setting in case one of your guests decides to show up with someone unexpected. If this happens, simply have them join their date at their table, and since your tables do not have to be even, this won’t look off.
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7. Think about the conversation flow: Consider the flow of conversation at each table. Seat guests with similar interests or friends who enjoy each other’s company. Balance dynamics by pairing talkative guests with quieter ones to keep things lively. Mixing guests with common hobbies or backgrounds can spark fascinating discussions. Thoughtful seating ensures everyone feels included and conversations stay relevant throughout the event.
8. Create a visual and create sticky notes: Manage your guest arrangements effortlessly by creating a visual of your venue layout and use small sticky notes with guests names. This will let you visualize the entire set up and will let you play around with seating arrangements. Plus, if you need to reassign guests, it’s easy to do by just moving the sticky notes. Once you’re done, take a picture of your visual and give it to your Vendors like your wedding planner and venue coordinator.
A little organization and thought can save you a lot of panic and stress on your wedding day. Don’t get caught off guard and make sure you put a little prep into where your guests will sit. Make sure to start your seating chart after you’ve received the majority of your RSVPs and make use of your venue’s layout. Happy Planning!