When planning a bridal shower, the question of games always arises. The problem is that a lot of people hate cheesy (yet traditional) bridal shower games, but at the same time, will be super bored if there is nothing for them to do but drink and chat.
Have a chat with the bride and see whether she wants games at her shower and also what type of games she wants. For instance, some brides may want games that bring people together, while others may prefer passive games.
Here are some great games you can play that won’t make your guests cringe – and, bonus – all of these can be played with a glass of rosé in hand!
Passive Games
1. How Many Kisses: Have a pretty mason jar full of Hersey’s Kisses on the same table as the guest book – on a piece of paper, have guests write down their name and guess how many kisses are in the jar. Whoever is closest, wins!
2. Gift Bingo: As the bride opens her gifts, she may feel awkward being the center of attention, or worry that guests may get bored. To help reduce both of these fears create bingo sheets with items from her registry. Give prizes to the first guest to get a line, then for a full sheet.
3. Who said it: Compile a list of quotes from the family and friends of the couple – then have guests guess which person said it– whoever gets the most right wins!
4. How Well Do They Know Each Other?: Before the wedding, sit down with the brides partner and give them a whiteboard. Film them as you ask questions about themselves, and have them write their answer on the white board, then show the camera. Next, repeat the process but with questions about the bride. As you play the video, have the bride write down her answers while you pause and play the video with their partner.
Group Games
1. Don’t Say It: Upon arrival, provide each guest with a (fake) ring, and let them know that they cannot say the word ‘bride’ or ‘marriage’, or another word of your choosing. If they catch another guest saying the forbidden word, they take their ring. This game is great because it can take place throughout the entire shower without detracting from the conversation.
2. Bridal-Striations: Divide the guests into groups and provide them with Telestrations booklets. Give each group a card with bridal words on it and have the group alternate between drawing and guessing what the word is. At the end of the circle, whatever group is closest to their word wins!
3. Cards Against The Bride: A little raunchier than your typical bridal shower game! Give each guest 5 cards from the popular game Cards Against Humanity. Then read out newlywed scenarios that guests will then finish using their cards. The end result is some hilarious and inappropriate advice for the bride-to-be.
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4. Beards Away: A fun alternative to the traditional toilet paper dress game! If the bride’s partner has a big bushy beard, buy fake beards and have the guests decorate them in grooms. Nominate a member from each group to model their beard, and maybe even have the groom appear as a celebrity judge!