Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto
Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto
Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto
Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto
Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto
Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto
Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto
Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto
Rose Reisman Catering

Rose Reisman Catering

Rose Reisman Catering, Toronto, Corporate Caterers

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Based on 1 review
Rose Reisman Catering
W. Bongard
I just want to say a special thank you to Stacey. Stacey helped me with an event on June 6th as well as this one that is coming up on Monday. Stacey has really been so accommodating and helpful - our event was perfect on June 6th and I am sure that Monday's will be perfect as well. Stacey makes the planning so easy, fun and it is exciting to see the end results! Thank you so much Stacey for doing such a great job...all of us at the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation greatly appreciate it.
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