Once you have decided to propose to your partner, you then also have to plan how you will pop the question! Some take a ‘go big or go home’ approach when it comes to proposing and they want as many people there as possible. If this sounds like you and you’re planning a public proposal – keep these dos and don’ts in mind.
Do: Consider if a public proposal is what your partner would want
Yes, this is your proposal too, but since it is them you are surprising – it’s a good idea to do something they are comfortable with. If your partner is a little shy and doesn’t enjoy being the center of attention, maybe plan the big Q for a more intimate setting.
Don’t: Steal the spotlight
While proposing at a family gathering seems like a great idea, if that gathering is already celebrating someone else – hold off. Popping the question in the middle of your sister’s graduation or your Uncle’s 60th may not be as welcome as you think.
Do: Hire a photographer
Having someone there to capture the moment is a great idea and something the two of you will cherish forever.
Don’t: Wing it
Even if your partner would love a public proposal – deciding to do it at a restaurant, beach or park isn’t enough. You need to have a backup plan incase something goes wrong. Parks close, beaches can be stinky and weather is always looming. Have a back up plan!
Do: Talk to venue ahead of time
Letting the restaurant or venue staff know that you’re planning on proposing goes a long way in ensuring your proposal goes off without a hitch. They will go the extra mile to give you a good table, or let you know if there is a rowdy group planning the attend the same time as you so you can plan accordingly.
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Don’t: Forget the ring
This may go without saying, but have the ring on you when you plan to propose. Especially if it’s in public, so that your partner can tell that you actually put thought into it.
Do: Give them the proposal they would want
If your partner isn’t a sports person, then you shouldn’t propose on the jumbotron at the big game. Making sure your public proposal reflects who they are as a person is important and will make their ‘yes’ extra special.