Sonia Reynolds

Sonia Reynolds

Recent Posts By Sonia Reynolds | 183 Posts

Choosing Your Wedding Date: Weekdays vs. Weekends

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When planning a wedding, one of the things that needs to be considered is the day of the week that your big day will fall on. While most couples opt to get married on a weekend, there are some that are choosing to get married on a weekday instead. Of course, there are pros and […]

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How to Turn Your Squad into Your Bride Tribe

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Once the excitement of your engagement has settled down, it’s time to actually start thinking about planning the wedding. One of the decisions that happens early on is who you are going to have in your bridal party. You’ve got your man, but you still need your girls – and when you’re planning a wedding, […]

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T’was The Night Before Your Wedding

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Congratulations! You made it! You’ve waited, you’ve planned and now it’s finally here- the night before your wedding! Planning a wedding is hard work, so give yourself a pat on the back. There is very little left to be done other than get a good night’s sleep and wake up ready to have the best […]

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The Plus One Paradox

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One of the hardest parts of planning a wedding is deciding who to invite, and who needs to be left off the guest list. Generally, if the wedding is more intimate, you might only receive a plus one if you are in a long-term relationship. Wondering what the protocol is for plus ones? Here are […]

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Should I Hire a Band or a DJ for my Wedding?

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Let’s be honest, one of the best parts of any wedding is ripping it up on the dance floor during the reception! At weddings, almost everyone dances because it is a low-pressure situation (and there will always be someone who is a worse dancer than you). Music is a key element that can make or […]

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The Big Difference Between Wedding Planners and In-House Coordinators

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When planning a wedding, many couples are faced with the decision of whether or not to hire a planner. If you have a tight budget, spending the extra cash on a wedding planner may seem more like a ‘nice to have’ rather than a ‘must have’, especially if your venue provides a day-of coordinator. But, […]

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