When you first start planning your wedding, one of the most exciting things is choosing your bridal party– but don’t forget about your little bridal party! If you are on the fence about having ring bearers or flower girls at your wedding, we are here to help! Here are a few things to keep in mind when trying to decide:
4 Reasons to have them…:
They don’t have to be human:
While your first thought is likely of human attendants, many couples have opted to include their cherished pets in the ceremony. From doggie ring bearers to walking down the aisle on a horse, the sky’s the limit!
They are super cute:
Perhaps the best reason, and why you might be considering having a ring bearer or flower girl at your wedding, is that they are so stinkin’ cute! There is something about little bowties and poofy skirts that make us melt and we guarantee they will make your guests melt too.
It is a memory you will cherish forever:
Asking your mini bridal party to be a part of your wedding is special because it is something that you will share forever. Whether they are your biological niece or nephew – or your best friend’s child, this is a great way to memorialize your relationship with them and have memories that are just theirs and yours.
They can steal the show:
Again, they are super cute! So much so that they can often be what people are focusing on. So, if you’re a little scared of the spotlight, or worried that people will see you ugly cry – divert attention with a cutie throwing petals!
Photo Credit: Collide Photography
… and 3 to not:
Their parents might not want to bring them:
While you might think that you are doing their parent’s a favour by not having to hire a babysitter – they might be looking forward to a kid-free evening! Before you ask your ring bearer or flower girl, we suggest talking to the parents first, that way there is no disappointment for the littles.
They can steal the show:
No, you’re not having deja vu– this one goes on both lists! Just remember that kids feed off the emotions of those around them and if they do something that elicits a few laughs, they will run with it. There is currently a viral video of a flower girl who, having enough of her dress opted to remove it mid-ceremony. Needless to say… show, stolen.
Kids are unpredictable:
While you may have visions of a little cutie walking down the aisle gracefully tossing rose petals– reality may be a lot different. Remember that kids have a mind of their own and come the wedding day might decide they don’t want to walk down the aisle or have a full-on meltdown mid-ceremony.